John Trubee “A Blind Man’s Penis” Seven-Inch

The story according to Re:Search Magazine and other sources goes like this: John Trubee sent money to one of those mail-order “Send us your lyrics and we’ll make a song out of them” offers. He wrote the lyrics you’re about to hear, which were sung verbatim over a “minimal country and western” backing track with one important, lawsuit-dodging exception.

Apparently the company responsible for the music refused to let their crooner utter the phrase “Stevie Wonder’s penis” and changed it to what you hear today. This record has become one of the more infamous examples of outsider music of the pre-YouTube era. Brace yourself for the wonder that is “A Blind Man’s Penis”.

Did we mention that it’s been written John Trubee later got a recording deal with Enigma Records, partially due to a suicide note he sent them after his initial rejection? That is supposed to be true–whether it is or not, some of us choose to believe it IS true, because that’s just too funny to to be real.