CD Exchange Springfield Missouri

I only include this because I stopped there–I was giving it a pass when I spotted a sign out of the corner of my eye that said, “VINYL” in big block letters. Could it be? I haven’t been in a CD Exchange in YEARS, so I had to at least stop and look. Could this be a sign of an era of coolness for CD Exchange? Have they added as many titles as they have in the CD sections I remember from my last visits?

I was as disappointed as a frat boy at a chastity convention–two paltry sections of vinyl, all brand new and selling at frat boy prices. Don’t ask me WHY they’re frat boy prices, but I can just see some 20-something with his greek letters shaved into the back of his head shelling out $22 or for a Ben Harper LP. Whatever.

CD Exchange vinyl records.jpg

This shop wasn’t bad as far as CD Exchanges go, but that’s like saying you didn’t mind losing your thumb that much because it was the one off your LEFT hand.

I had already been completely underwhelmed by the endless series of Walmarts, strip mall nail shops and fast food joints. Springfield, Missouri was already starting to wear thin by the time I pulled in here. My first stop was a complete dud. I pulled in because the name Vintage Stock just screamed vinyl records of all sizes. I mean, they put VINTAGE in the bloody NAME.

vintage stock springfield missouriBut NO, Vintage Stock was nothing but used CDs, DVDs, games, and less. I felt betrayed by misleading signage, dragged my sorry ass back to the blogmobile and hit the road in search of greener pastures. As in, any pasture that hasn’t been paved and clogged up with Del Taco, Cheezies Pizza (what a name), and the ever-present Golden Arches.

My last stop in Springfield, Missouri was the amusing hodge-podge known as Stick It In Your Ear. That gets a full report next time…

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2 thoughts on “CD Exchange Springfield Missouri

  1. So, just because a store didn’t sell what you wanted, you got pissed at them? Avoid Vintage Vice then because it just sells some gay ass clothes!

    Also, what the fuck does “CDs, DVDs, games, and less” mean? How can something have less of a list that you created?

    Last question, what are “frat boy” prices?

    I suppose all of this leads me to a very important point: you’re a hipster douche. I suppose the fact that you wanted vinyl should have led me to that in the first place, but to complain about a couple of stores because they didn’t have what you wanted (even though neither store proclaimed to have said vinyl, so allegations of false advertising are a moot point) is a fucking douchey-hipster move.

    Go back to your copies of Jacques Tati’s Playtime, and rare vinyl copies of a live Mars Volta album that no one gives a fuck about. Lastly, take your little pecker, stretch it out as far as you can and promptly fuck your own ass you piece of shit.

    -This message was approved by Roy Blunt.

    – Also, by the HOVA.

    -Buy ‘merican.

    p.s. I respectfully disagree with your opinions.

  2. Yep, it’s true. I am guilty on all counts. Except for the Mars Volta thing–never got into them.

    In case you missed it:






    One thing I’d like to point out though–when a store puts the word VINYL in BIG BLOCK LETTERS in a prominent place on the storefront, it’s setting people up for a bit of a disappointment when they come in and find that it’s more like an afterthought.

    Also, I admit this entry was a bit confusing as I was actually reviewing two record shops in one, which I shouldn’t have done. Vintage Stock deserved its own entry even though it was pretty disappointing.

    Oh, and “frat boy prices” are, in my own definition, high markups on readily available items easily purchased at lower costs elsewhere. In other words, let the buyer beware.

    I shouldn’t really waste my time or energy with negative writeups of stores anyway–this is probably one I’d leave off the blog today if I were writing up this area of the country all over again. So to reiterate your main point:






    That is all.

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