Hating the Legendary Pink Dots: Vinyl Mine

Vinyl Mine ran this post (not recently) about psych indie pioneers The Legendary Pink Dots. I myself enjoy the Dots–selected albums from the mile-long discography–but the pure vitriol against them in this post is so funny and all-consuming that I read it TWICE. I have a healthy respect for anyone who can vent their spleen so completely in pure, unadulterated disgust regardless of subject matter. Sure, Vinyl Mine and I disagree on LPD, but damn, what great fun to read. This one’s a great way to kill a long Friday afternoon at work.

The rest of the blog isn’t 100% vinyl-obsessed, but this is a great read. Recent reviews include Nice Strong Arm where a few brief pokes are taken at Bauhaus and Joy Division, but the thing that makes me keep coming back for more is the post about Neil Diamond.

Great stuff.