Crosley Record Player


I seem to remember seeing one of these great Crosley turntables at Target, of all places. I really love the old-fashioned design of this Crosley record player, combined with the built-in CD player.

My friends in Hyperbubble have a Crosley record player in the guest bathroom, the perfect place to chill out to some glorious vinyl albums which relaxing in a hot bath. Add an ice cold beer and you have perfection.

Best thing about the Crosley picture here? It’s under a hundred bucks. Those old Devo records never sounded better than when you’re relaxing in the bath after a rotten day’s work.

4 thoughts on “Crosley Record Player

  1. Just took mine back to Target. It quit after 6 weeks of light use. The power light would not come on so I opened it up to see if there was a fuse inside – nope. I measured the output of the power supply transformer and there was nothing, nada, zilch which means the transformer failed.

    The label on the bottom says it was made in China. I probably would not have bought it if I would have seen that while shopping.

  2. Hey I was really curious if you know the actual model of this record player and if you know where I could get one exactly like this,?

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