Tag Archives: Marathon LP case

Marathon eLIGHT 80 Record LP Travel Case

Marathon eLight series LP Case 80 records

I really want to own one of these cases. The Marathon eLIGHT 80 album LP case is great for gigging when you want to carry some of the sweet titles you’ve got stashed but can’t bear to convert and use as MP3s instead. My one big issue with ANY of these types of cases is that for air travel, you REALLY need a case that is ATA rated. That means it’s been judged “safe” to run through the baggage abuses (remember the United Breaks Guitars guy?). Unless it’s ATA rated, you might have trouble making a claim at the airport. BIG trouble. Don’t take MY word for it, read Patrick Ogle’s dirt on traveling with your gear.

I’m not saying don’t buy the Marathon eLIGHT LP travel case...but I AM saying that unless that case clearly says “ATA RATED” you should not put through as checked baggage. It will end in tears. What I would love is for someone out there to chime in with a good source of ATA record cases that they themselves have actually used with no negative consequences after air travel. The voice of experience sure would come in handy here…