WTF Album Covers: Amazing Grace

by Joe Wallace

For reasons I’ll never understand, gospel records are a particular type of awful. The covers do a GREAT job at communicating that you really, really, REALLY don’t want to listen to what’s on the record, don’t they? I mean, LOOK at this crap. For people who are all ate up about sarrrvan tha lawwwourd, they don’t pay ANY attention to how they’re presenting the message they want to get across. Behold, my bretheren, the warped nonsense of gospel album cover hell…


An amazing BUMMER. Put this one on the next time you desperately need to clear out a room. That party going on too long? Whip this little beauty onto the stereo and watch your friends FLEE IN TERROR.

Camp Meeting Resurrection? Seriously? Are you telling me there’s someone out there who takes one look at this album cover and ISN’T looking for the purple Kool-Aid? Cuz this has Jonestown written all over it. As in, you’ll be PLEADING for the Kool-Aid after listening to this for five seconds.

Ever notice that all these album covers that are shrieking about Jesus always have somebody ELSE’S FACE on them? It’s easy to understand why some people might get confused into thinking Jimmy Swaggart is God–the album titles are all about the Jesus, but it’s Jimmy’s hambone face. LOOK at this guy–I definitely would NOT buy a hot dog from him.