Tag Archives: selling rare vinyl

Turntabling Events Up Next

Every year, horror fans, vinyl junkies and collectors find the Turntabling booth at conventions like Cinema Wasteland, HorrorHound Weekend, and many other shows. I’ve got a pretty busy few months coming up and if you’re looking for rare vinyl, you should definitely meet me at one of the following shows where I’ll have Turntabling set up and selling vinyl records in person:

Flashback Weekend, August 12-14 2011 in Rosemont, Illinois. It’s located at the Crowne Plaza Chicago O’Hare at 5440 River Road.

Cinema Wasteland, September 30 – October 2 2011 in Strongsville Ohio. It’s at the Holiday Inn at 15471 Royalton Road in Strongsville.

Horrorhound Weekend November 11-13 2011 in Cincinnati Ohio. This one is at the Crowne Plaza Hotel 11320 Chester Road.

I’ll have a table FULL of amazing stuff including Goblin on vinyl, plus more LP titles from Skinny Puppy, Coil, Sleep Chamber, the Inferno soundtrack, William S. Burroughs, Leonard Nimoy reading Ray Bradbury on vinyl, Tom Baker reading Jules Verne on vinyl, Morricone, a ton of more rare and hard-to-find vinyl records you’ll definitely want to see.

I also have a very nice supply of CD titles which are equally rare and hard to find. Turntabling is all about hard-to-find titles, oddball, rare and bizarre vinyl and CD releases. Can you afford NOT to miss these shows?

I am always looking for more conventions to set up a table at, so if you are putting together a horror, sci-fi or collectible convention, please get in touch as I’d love to know more–especially if you are within a few hours of Chicago. Drop me an e-mail to jwallace (at) turntabling (dot net) to get in touch about conventions, record shows (I do sell ad space for record dealer conventions here) and more. Did I mention that I also like to buy record collections or portions of collections? Get in touch.

–Joe Wallace