Rek-O-Cut Portable Vinyl Record Lathe

Yes, I’m obsessed with these portable vinyl record cutting units! I fully intend to purchase the first multi-speed unit that works I can find, and start cranking out strange lo-fi electronica. In the meantime I have to content myself with viewing vids like this and trolling places that might sell a unit like these:

If you happen to be selling a unit like this or want to chat about record lathes in general, please drop me a line…would love to get price lists or learn more about DIY record cutting.

2 thoughts on “Rek-O-Cut Portable Vinyl Record Lathe

  1. I actually tried to buy a vinyl cutter from a refurbisher but it was not a very satisfying encounter and I wound up taking a pass…some people buy the consumer versions made in the 40s and 50s and make trebly, fun DIY home recordings, but aside from what I’ve been able to find on YouTube I’ve got little to go on…sadly.

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