Tag Archives: Shaft

Isaac Hayes Tough Guys Soundtrack & Trailer


Isaac Hayes scored this great, cheesy Italian action flick called Tough Guys. The soundtrack is classic Hayes, including the waka-waka guitars he made famous in Shaft. The vinyl for this is still available…you can find it second hand in used record shops, but it’s also available in limited quantities on Amazon. A better value might be to buy and download the MP3 double-album of Tough Guys AND Truck Turner, also scored by and starring Isaac Hayes.

Check out the trailer for this goof-fest, inexplicably named Three Tough Guys for simpleton American drive-in audiences. Too bad the theme song is all about TWO tough guys. Heh. Check out the trailer for this one…Isaac Hayes chewing up the astroturf with his sidekick…a bareknuckle-brawlin’ Catholic Priest!