Tag Archives: Zabriskie Point

Zabriskie Point Soundtrack LP


The film Zabriskie Point, directed by Michaelangelo Antonioni, starts off with a bang–a classroom full of radicals discussing whether or not violence is necessary as a form of political protest. The opposing views are montaged over Pink Floyd’s “Heart Beat, Pig Meat” and things only get more interesting from there.

If you haven’t seen the film, the real impact of the Zabriskie Point soundtrack is probably lost–some of this on its own sounds like hippie noodlings and acid-heads-only material, but in context the album is an excellent journey. The standout tracks on this are all by Pink Floyd, but don’t let that stop you from exploring the rest of this lovely piece of wax. On the whole, Antonioni’s Blow Up is far more listenable as a soundtrack record divorced from its’ film context, but that’s not to say Zabriskie Point isn’t good–but if you’ve seen the movie you’re in a better position to dig it.

Check out this totally misleading trailer–this is NOT an action movie or a euro-style sex romp…yet everything you see below is IN the movie, it’s just not quite in context. Great film, see it soonest.