Monthly Archives: November 2009

WTF Thanksgiving 2009 Edition: Rednecks Gone Wild

WTF Bad Album Cover Art Chicken Coup deVille

Happy Thanksgiving 2009.We bring you the biggest turkey we could find–and what a steaming pile it is, hands down the most ridiculous album cover seen in weeks. Is the name of this band CHICKEN? Or is the name of the record “Chicken Coup de Ville”? Never mind all that, behold the SPECIMEN on the cover here.

What we have here, ladies and gentlemen, is an honest-to-godzilla redneckity MULLET in all its repugnant, ill-advised 90s glory. This poor slob is clearly ready to audition for the part of A) backwoods Arayan Jesus,  B) Billy Ray Cyrus lookalike, or C) NASCAR crash test dummy.
Continue reading WTF Thanksgiving 2009 Edition: Rednecks Gone Wild

Crosley iJuke CD/MP3 player

crosley ijukeComing to a convention near you? We’re seriously thinking of scoring the Crosley iJuke CD/MP3 player for the booth to display and play Goblin CDs  on when doing horror movie conventions. It looks great, the price is decent, but we don’t know anybody who’s actually used one. customer reviews notwithstanding, we know very little about how good this little baby might be. If you own one or know someone who does, drop us a comment and let us know what you think–we’d love to get some feedback on this unit before dropping cash on it.

It would make an awfully cool addition to the table, I must say…

Back from HorrorHound in Cincinnati

The HorrorHound Weekend in Cincinnati was a huge success–many thanks to all who stopped by the booth, especially for the lucky few who scored copies of the limited edition promo disc 13 Unusual Tracks. How much longer will we be offering this CD? Hard to say, but we’ll keep you posted for another opportunity to score your own copy soon.

We came to Cincinnati with an armload of soundtracks, great albums and other tasty treats–we left for home on Sunday much lighter–great music lovers cleaned us out! We have many revisions to make on the site to the catalog as much of our stock was depleted this weekend. More is coming, rest assured–but there’s much updating to be done in the meantime. We recommend getting in touch before trying to place an order. Drop a line to jwallace 242 (at) gmail (dot) com.

Turntabling has a busy December lined up, there are details coming on Turntabling Records releases and other news that bring us into 2010 with a bang. Stay tuned.

WTF: Swing That Gospel Axe

Bad album covers Swing That Gospel Axe

I wonder if when gospel bands are praying to Jesus, if their lord and savior couldn’t take five seconds to have a word with them about their lame-ass album covers. I mean, come ON, now, Jesus…can’t you spare a COUPLE of moments for these poor dorks?

Let’s pass Go AND collect $200–the first thing this album cover says to me is that a slasher movie moment is in the offing here–the Gospel Axe is going to wind up in the back of that chick’s SKULL.

“Hey guys, what do you want to call this band?” Bruce Yelton asks the others. “We’re singin’ about Jesus here, so why don’t we give it some kind of dorky name that sounds like it’s SUPPOSED to be hip and happening, but is really some kind of dumb-ass made up word that doesn’t actually MEAN anything.”

To which the woman in this group replies, “You just said “dumbass”. You’re a sinner and you’re going to hell straightaway. The REST of this band is ‘upbound’ but not you.”

Continue reading WTF: Swing That Gospel Axe