Monthly Archives: May 2011

How It’s Made on Making Vinyl Records

We continue our reports from Vinyl Road Rage tomorrow–there are plenty of record stores still to come from our road trip–but first, have a look at this fun clip on how vinyl records are made, courtesy of the Science Channel’s How It’s Made show.

Embedding was disabled so we can only link to it (see above) but the clip is definitely worth a look. One beef we have with these clips though–is it really necessary to explain that vinyl is making a comeback each and every time the subject comes up?

Other than that, this is a great piece…it’s always fun to see what it takes to actually create a vinyl album–it is NOT easy or cheap to do, so any band that takes the time and trouble to go beyond digital has our respect.

That might actually be a big part of why weirdness on vinyl is so special–somebody BOTHERED, and the fact that the end product is so strange makes the entire exercise more unique. Stay tuned for more Vinyl Road Rage tomorrow.

More Rare Vinyl Finds On Sale

Here is another selection of rare vinyl just in for sale at Turntabling. Hurry before these are gone for good! At some point they will go up for sale in the Turntabling shop at Bonanza-they’re on sale here at a discount before they go up there…all titles here are in Very Good condition at a minimum.

The Hunger soundtrack on Varese Sarabande is pretty sweet, I must say. I don’t find these too often and when I do they usually disappear–plenty of Bowie vampire fans out there. The Hunger still holds up after all this time–probably because in addition to Bowie and the unique-for-a-vampire-film plot, the special effects are still pretty awesome. Buy the vinyl LP soundtrack to The Hunger from Turntabling for $20 plus shipping.

A rarity indeed–a radio version of The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy: The Restaurant At The End of the Universe on vinyl. Can you believe the luck? This was a stunning find–I had no idea it would ever be available as I’m sure 99% of the people who own this would never part with it. But here it is…any fan of Douglas Adams should LOVE this. Can you say, “birthday present”? I knew you could. Buy the vinyl LP Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy: The Restaurant At The End of the Universe for $25.00 plus shipping.

Based on what he wrote on the liner notes at the time, Henry Rollins didn’t seem overly thrilled about the material on this spoken word album THEN, he is no doubt embarrassed by this spoken-word album by now, having released A Short Walk On A Long Pier in 1989, featuring the collected recordings of his spoken word material since 1986.

There is no music on this Rollins album–it’s all spoken word stuff that Hank fans know and love. I have never seen this floating around til earlier this year…and have seen nothing like it since. Henry Rollins spoken word completists will love this–the vinyl features a photo of Henry Rollins with long, metal-head hair. Pricelesss. Buy A Short Walk On A Long Pier on vinyl from Turntabling for $25.oo plus shipping.

These titles will hit eBay and Bonanza soon at higher prices–get these while they last at the current rate.

Rare Vinyl Finds For Sale

Here are some of the latest new arrivals to the Turntabling collection for sale. All vinyl is in Very Good condition at a minimum.

The Golden Voyage of Sinbad soundtrack–this is the soundtrack LP from the film starring John Phillip Law of Diabolik fame, plus the one and only Tom Baker! The soundtrack was by Miklos Rozsa and is a very tasty find–especially for the cover art. Very nice indeed! A fabulous rare vinyl find for $20 plus shipping.

Sid Vicious and Eddie Cochran on one record? Yes–the McDonald Brothers Company presents “A World Title Contest Over Eight Rounds” on Sid Vicious Vs. Eddie Cochran, a vinyl LP that features Eddie Cochran originals and Sid Vicious covers of them– a fascinating artifact of the original punk era. This also includes Sid’s version of Search and Destroy and My Way, plus Eddie Cochran singing the classic C’Mon Everybody, Somethin’ Else, and Weekend. Can you really say no? $20 plus shipping and it’s yours, a piece of history!

Here’s an insanely rare find–Leonard Nimoy reading Ray Bradbury. The Illustrated Man is a classic all by itself, but to have Nimoy giving it the treatment is a rare thing indeed. This will NOT last long–there are plenty of lit geeks like me out there all too eager to own something this unique. $30 plus shipping for this title owing to its scarcity, naturally. Trust me, this is MUCH more expensive at conventions…

Saying The Unthinkable! Vinyl Documentary Film

This is a clip from Vinyl, the documentary film about record collectors, hoarders, miscreants, and music lovers in general. In this segment, filmmaker Alan Zweig talks about maybe packing it in, getting a life (huh?) and finding a girlfriend. The most insane moment in the clip is when he intimates that collecting vinyl and having a life are incompatible. What?

Fascinating, but the sentiment is a bit misguided. You don’t have to be a no-life cellar dweller to collect vinyl, but I DO understand the obsessive need to immerse yourself in something. What did you think of this clip? I haven’t seen the full documentary yet so it’s hard to say if he’s deadpan kidding here or if there’s a scary degree of seriousness to his idea that vinyl might be incompatible with life in general.

–Joe Wallace