WTF Album Covers: Man Vs. Mullet

Who is losing the battle in the Man Vs. Mullet competition on THIS album cover? Three guesses.

bad album covers Bajo I Orkestar

He wins points for the anti-style statement he’s made with both the hair AND the suit, and the “I’m passing a kidneystone” expression on his face makes this a must-own addition to any bad album cover connoisseur’s collection.

This guy does NOT look like he’s going to sing to you. More like he’s here to shake you down for the hush money or carry out the orders issued by Hans the Butcher to break your femurs and coccyx. “Eef you do NOHT break-a ze coccyx, I vill be fhorced to break-a YORSSS. Dooo yhooo undersandsks?”