Tag Archives: bad album covers

WTF Album Covers: Skillet and Leroy The Okra Eaters

Somehow I keep finding these “adults only” albums featuring poorly photographed humans from Earth in sexually compromising positions, making unfunny statements with cartoon speech bubbles. Ever since I found a Blowfly record in the dollar bin, these albums are now constantly turning up when I go vinyl shopping.

The most horrifying thing about this album cover apart from the nyuk-nyuk “lookit,we made a sex funny” vibe are the safari suit and the green checked pants. I want a pair to wear on stage now, thanks. When the alien archaeology teams land on this plant in a hundred years, they will find these records and wonder just who the the hell Sanford and Son were. Hell, some high school graduates are wondering that RIGHT NOW.

–Joe Wallace

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WTF Album Covers: Fun Da Mental Erotic Terrorism

For the record, I have not heard this album, I know nothing of Fun Da Mental or anything they do. I am simply responding to an album cover by Fun Da Mental that I discovered for sale on Amazon. That said…I think I am IN LOVE with this album cover. Seriously. I want a framed copy to hang in the studio above my mixing board to remind me of what might have been.

I have no idea what was going through the mind of the special someone who designed this cover, but it’s a work of frickin GENIUS. I believe this is supposed to represent South Asian people in some sort of political commentary that I am clueless about, but what it says to me is some kind of Mexican direct-to-video action movie poster repurposed for an album cover. And the NAME of this record–hot DAMN, that’s inspired. I laughed out loud, very nearly spraying Earl Grey all over my screen.

EROTIC TERRORISM? The very idea…it’s so out there I couldn’t help looking for a secret Beastie Boys imprint on the cover somewhere. It sounds like something they’d pull for laughs. But the customer reviews of this record indicate these lads are SERIOUS…they aren’t kidding around even with a title like EROTIC…..TERRORISM.

All I can say here is…wow.

—Joe Wallace

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WTF Bad Album Covers Henry and Hazel Slaughter

I discovered this atrocity on Cheezeball.net and I think I’m sending them my doctor’s bill. The nightmares I’ll have after seeing this truly bad album cover–once more in the name of Jesus–will be in 3D, technicolor and Smell-O-Rama. Never mind the rictus grin on Hazel Slaughter’s face–the one that says “I’d rather be standing trail for war crimes in the Hague right now.” Look at Henry Slaughter’s TIE.

That’s right, it’s an effing chain link FENCE necktie. Tell me this guy doesn’t look as though he has a 14-year old stashed in a secret black light basement someplace being fattened up to be served up in a pie, Hansel and Gretel-style. I’m sure in real life, he’s a real sweetie pie, but this photograph makes Henry and Hazel look like the Honeymoon Killers.

WTF Bad Album Covers: Double Vision

It’s one thing to get a goofy, horrifyingly dated album cover to poke fun at. It’s another thing to get practically the same damn cover by two different artists about a DECADE apart. Moe Bandy’s record came out in 1974, the John Bult album is said to have been released in 1985. Bad ideas never die, they just move to different honky tonks.

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