Tag Archives: return of the living dead

Zombie Outbreak Aftermath

return of the living deadIf you weren’t able to make it out to Zombie Outbreak at the Portage in Chicago, you missed a great night out. Thanks to the army of people who stopped by the Turntabling setup and introduced themselves. We quickly ran out of the limited-edition promo disc, but we’re pressing another run of them for our next show in Cincinnati next weekend, so stay tuned.

If you couldn’t make it out last night you missed Pathogen, the zombie movie made by a 12-year old girl (plus a documentary on her called Zombie Girl). Then there was Colin, the made-for$70 zombie movie that made a  splash a few months back. The highlight of the evening was the 35MM screening of Return of the Living Dead, which is an all-time favorite here at Turntabling. It’s a lot of fun and I’m grateful it was the last show of the night since I actually got to SEE it after tearing down the booth.

Next up it’s HorrorHound in Cincinnati, we’ll have details on that one shortly. We’ll be there from Friday to Sunday and look forward to meeting more Turntabling lovers there…