WTF Album Covers: Two Atrocities that Will Damage Your Brain

Permanent brain damage alert! Do NOT look at these album covers unless you want your visual cortex burned beyond repair. One of these lovelies is a complete first for us here at Turntabling–we’ve never featured an OPERA album cover before, but this one is certainly worthy. It demands a frame and a special place in the home, does it not?

Is that dress a Mondrian crossover atrocity? Or just some fashion designer’s idea of a sick prank? Either way, the net effect is brain seizure followed by fight-or-flight adrenaline overload as you try to violently remove your eyes from their sockets.

Next up, the special torture:

Aside from the spread-eagle lady with the pumps and her blonde spandex-wearing counterpart, this bunch looks like they just got done shooting a hard day’s work on The Electric Company or Zoom. This is one dance party I need the bottle of ether for, thanks.