WTF: Ted Nugent Love Grenade

ted nugent love grenade album cover

Ted Nugent’s cover for the 2007 greatest hits collection, Love Grenade, isn’t just a wretched exercise in horny teenager-style cartooning, it’s also wildly offensive! Just look at how she’s depicted abusing that innocent hand grenade.

Seriously though, rampaging sexism aside, Love Grenade wins top marks–it’s a true accomplishment to  bewilder AND register as blindingly stupid at the same time. A naked woman bound on a food tray with…a grenade in her mouth? That IS a grenade, right? It’s not an under-ripe avocado? Or maybe it’s Ted Nugent’s wallet, fat with all that cash he’s making off another collection of reheated twaddle.

I’m trying hard to figure out what The Nuge is trying to say here–aside from “Hey Kids, here’s a REALLY DUMB record by MEEEEEEE!” And the track listing does nothing to dispel that notion. When you’ve got songs like “Bridge Over Troubled Daughters” and “Broadside” (get it? Huh huh, heh heh, BROAD side…heh heh huh huh) you know you’re not dealing with a Rhodes scholar here.

Whatever happened to the good old days when long haired dorks with guitars sang about SATAN?

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Now we get these aging backwoods types gumming their way through songs that weren’t that great over 30 years ago with the added “advantage” of the Internet to deliver their genius to pockets of weasel-faced, tobaccy-spitting devotees probably still squirming over the fact that we have a president who don’t live in that Texas nohow. Wow. I am impressed by the musician who could stand before his art director on this project, look at that woman all bound up on a glorified TV tray surrounded by carrots and say, “Yep. That represents my work, all right. Yessiree. There’s the essence of my record. Lookit, you kin see her BOOBIES!”

5 thoughts on “WTF: Ted Nugent Love Grenade

  1. WTF. When I first saw the cover I laughed my ass off and thought of it typical coming from the NUGE to get attention.

  2. You’re an ignorant jackass. Broadside happens to be a term used in hunting to describe the position of an animal (or anything for that matter), and Ted Nugent happens to be one of the biggest outdoorsman there is when he’s not rockin’ out. If you think he’s a dumb Texas redneck then you have another thing coming as well. He was born and raised in Detroit, and lived in Jackson, Michigan, for quite a while until within the last few years he moved to Texas. ALSO, he doesn’t convey the use of any habit-forming substance like tobacco, as well as alcohol or any drugs. He’s always been clean and always will be. He gets his highs from rock ‘n’ roll and the spirit of the wild! Get your facts straight next time..

  3. Oh I laughed when i read this. I’m sure poor ole Ted doesn’t need anybody sticking up for him. I’m also sure he ought to reconsider a song called “Bridge Over Troubled Daughters” at his age…I mean, high school was at least four decades ago for both the Nuge and many of his fans.

    What I want to hear is a Nugent ballad that discusses the relative merits of James Joyce and William Faulkner.

    Tee hee.

  4. Ted is very well spoken, politically diverse, regardless of what any critic spouts as a review (which honestly doesn’t mount to anything usually) just an opinion. Ted has always been very entertaining solo, Damn Yankees, with Brian Howe, etc…So the best advise I’ll state, enjoy the twang of the guitars, the vocal stylings of Ted and friends. Too frickin’ bad most bands anymore do not have the balls this fellow does still to this day!!!

  5. at FanofNuge: So what ? just because he doesn’t drink or use drugs so what? he is still huge attention whoring moron – just look at that image. thats pathetic and for you to apologize for him is stupid. Ted is a Cancer.

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