Tag Archives: bad christian music

WTF: Guide Me Lord…Into A Salon

WTF Guide Me Lord Bad Album ArtFundamentalist evangelical Christians are easy targets for the WTF bad album art flame thrower. They are so convinced by their own rhetoric that it never occurs to them that the REST of the world is snickering, nay, CACKLING at them for their misguided musical exploits. Even in more recent times than when THIS abomination hit the shelves, bands like Creed get big laughs for their squeaky-clean, but ultimately misguided antics.

At least Creed has the decency to attempt a veneer of cool–you’d be fooled for about thirty seconds until you heard the singer’s decidedly non-angsty voice croaking out those high school home room-penned lyrics about sin and salvation. THESE ladies on the other hand, aren’t having any of it.

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