Tag Archives: murder

Sick DIYers Mutilate Vinyl Records

We’ve shown a few vids like this before, but this one is by far the SICKEST one yet for vinyl collectors, as the woman in this video not only recommends DIYers BAKE the records in an oven at home (toxic fumes, anyone?) but also encourages people to seek out COLORED VINYL to perform these mutilations to.

We’re all in favor of re-using and recycling records that are scratched, warped, and otherwise useless (how many copies of the soundtrack to No No Nanette, Flower Drum Song, and Jesus Christ Superstar do we REALLY NEED in this world?). But there’s no such caveat given in this.

Nope, she might as well be saying, “Yes, you know that acetate of The Velvet Underground’s first recording you picked up at a garage sale last summer? Go right ahead and CUT THAT MOTHER UP.”

Innocent Vinyl Records Murdered by Crafters

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Please tell me these records were all copies of Jesus Christ Superstar, Meatloaf, and No No Nanette. Please.

Does anyone know of anyone who would actually eat FOOD out of these things? Or is this “decorative art”? I’m all in favor of deep-sixing, recycling, and reutilizing scratched, nasty, or just plain unsaleable records, to be sure…but this still looks like torture porn. Nice work on the “aged film” effects tho.