Here’s a hint. On your next album cover, try NOT wearing clothes that were made from the upholstery of all your previous lawn furniture. Also, Tina Turner called, she wants her head back.
Tag Archives: bad album covers
WTF Bad Album Covers: The Eternal Horror of Baby Lu-Lu
I don’t know about you, but the cover of this album makes me want to smash people with a shovel until the state troopers show up and taze me to death.
Reading the back cover makes me feel nauseous in a way I can’t properly explain. I wish I heard voices so I could obey them telling me to disintegrate whoever is responsible for this. (Click on the image to enlarge and damage your mind.)
WTF Bad Album Covers: Swimsuit Girls in Accordion Hell
WTF Bad Album Covers: No Commentary Necessary
I’m not saying a DAMN THING about this one. Do I really need to? Times like these I wish I could turn off the non-stop Beavis and Butthead episode playing in my brain, but I can’t, OK? Just snicker along with me and let’s call it a day and nobody make the joke about playing this album only once per month. Effing tasteless.