Recently added for sale at the Turntabling Discogs shop! William Burroughs on vinyl with Break Through in Grey Room, the reissue of Heathen Earth by Throbbing Gristle, Tutti I Colori Del Buio soundtrack by Bruno Nicolai, and a Dalek I reissue that you’ll be sad you missed if you don’t scoop it up while supplies last!
Tag Archives: Bruno Nicolai

Bruno Nicolai Marquis De Sade Vinyl LP
Bruno Nicolai and Jess Franco? Yes indeed! De Sade was seemingly a favorite topic of Franco’s, he kept coming back to the famous old pervert again and again, if not directly, certainly in the concepts and themes of those naughty old stories. Bondage, S&M, blood, you name it…Franco and De Sade go together like coffee and cream.
The soundtrack for this film is just what you’d expect from Nicolai, who composed and conducted with Morricone, which is likely why you hear some textures and techniques in common with good ol’ Ennio’s work.
Turntabling has a copy for sale of this delicious vinyl pairing of two Maestros working together back in 1969…this is the Finders Keepers edition with the purple cover. If you love the sexy sounds of Jess Franco movies and have a thing for classic Italian soundtrack composers like Bruno Nicolai, have a listen to this record…(sample below) and you’ll wonder why you haven’t added this to your collection yet.
You can buy this vinyl edition of Marquis De Sade from the Turntabling Discogs shop while supplies last. Once they’re gone, they’re gone for good! Check out the track from this LP below, “Drug Party”, which is pretty awesome.
–Joe Wallace
Turntabling at OhNo!Doom Gallery Friday April 13th 6PM
OhNo!Doom Gallery in Chicago hosts A Walk Through The Dark, an opening featuring artwork of the macabre, strange and bizarre. It also features–I’ll be creating the sinister ambience and playing appropriately creepy music by Morricone, Goblin, Riz Ortolani, Bruno Nicolai, Coil, Nurse With Wound, Skinny Puppy and various other sounds. DJ Paisley Babylon in the haunted house!
The event is from 6 to 10PM on Friday, April 13th at OhNo!Doom Gallery at 1800 N. Milwaukee Avenue in Chicago. Join me for a night of amazing sights and sounds, plus exclusive beer brewed to debut at the event by Lowdive.
–Joe Wallace
The Night Evelyn Came Out of the Grave
This great giallo has everything–senseless murders, sadomasochism, a sweaty obsessive maniac with a penchant for thigh-high boots…in short, a hell of a lot of fun. How many strange women can he lure back to the torture dungeon before somebody catches on?
The score by Bruno Nicolai is every bit as fun and is a must-own if you’re a fan of Nicolai’s other work in movies like Case of the Bloody Iris and Nightmares Come At Night. How CAN you go wrong with tracks titled “Funeral Strip Tease” or “After Fleeing the Torture”?
There is plenty to revel in with The Night Evelyn Came Out of the Grave, also known as La Notte Che Evelyn Usci’ Dalla Tomba. Turntabling is pleased to offer this Italian import CD for the first time. If you haven’t seen this one yet, you owe it to yourself to at least check out the trailer (below). This has some of our favorite moments of giallo history. The boot fetish thing really gives this a nice kick (hah) and the ending (which we won’t spoil here) is also a nice touch. All around this is a hell of a good watch, especially with a six pack of your favorite wine (is that too much?) and a jumbo-sized pizza. Don’t hold the anchovies, this is Italian cinema!
The Night Evelyn Came Out of the Grave OST by Bruno Nicolai is a new, sealed import compact disc. Buy it now from Turntabling for $29 plus shipping.