Category Archives: WTF?

MTV Predicts The Death of Vinyl Records In The Late 1980s

Funny, clueless, and basically just filler for MTV News masquerading as some kind of observation of the format wars, this MTV News report is probably as entertaining for those 80s hairdos as it is in the delightfully look-at-how-WRONG-they-were-ness of it all.

Oh, yes. MTV you had a crystal ball, alright. It was covered in whipped cream and never worked quite right, but you had one. >AHEM<

Vinyl Road Rage V Begins…

The annual Turntabling cross-country road trip known as Vinyl Road Rage begins Tuesday morning, June 4, 2013 towards Pittsburgh and elsewhere.

There’s a lengthy itinerary that I’ve decided to reveal as I go, rather than publish in advance, only because the length of the trip depends greatly on how much insanity happens along the way. How rare does the vinyl get? How much can I bring back? Will any of my finds wind up for sale at some point in the Turntabling shop??


There will be plenty of updates between this space, my Facebook page and my Instagram account. Join me on all three as I document the cross-country road trip and all the unique, weird, and interesting finds along the way.

It’s going to get crazy from here!

WTF Album Cover Vs. House of Whipcord

I’ve been staring at this album cover for quite some time trying to remember what it reminded me of…

I have never listened to Come to The Chapel, but I can only imagine that it’s totally dreadful–LOOK at this and try to convince someone, anyone, that it’s worth five seconds of needle-drop time. Just TRY.

But that’s besides the point. I could NOT get it out of my head what it was this LP cover was reminding me of in all its wretched glory. And then it popped into my head like the distant drunken memory of touching a party guest inappropriately after one too many glasses of wine…

This album cover is creepily reminiscent of Peter Walker’s 70s Brit-sploitation magnum opus House Of Whipcord.

If you’ve never seen the film, that reference will mean NOTHING to you…but if you HAVE seen House of Whipcord, doesn’t this poor old born-again crooner lady bear the faintest resemblance to the creepy whip-loving matron of the private dungeon in the Pete Walker flick?

She just projects the VIBE of someone who would be inclined to keep “wayward girls” locked up in an illegal detention center waiting for the chance to put ’em on trial or lay down the whip, either way.

If you have not seen the movie, you owe yourself a look at this obscure 70s retro classic of Brit moral terror. Click the pic to go buy it right this effing instant from

–Joe Wallace