Category Archives: WTF?

WTF: Worst Album Cover Ever?

worst album cover of all time

I’m not saying a DAMN thing about this album cover except to ask who hates this guy so much that they let him put this photo on the cover without so much as a “Are you SURE?”

I mean, REALLY. This is one of the most cringe-making images used to sell ANYTHING, ever. The name of this record is “I’m Here” but the artwork on this one makes you want to be anywhere BUT here. There have been countless armies of people with bad judgment putting their images on albums for decades, but none so ill-advised or poorly thought out.

It goes without saying that there wasn’t an art director on this…but I hope nobody let this one hit the shelves uncontested. Continue reading WTF: Worst Album Cover Ever?

WTF: Count Your Blessings

wretched album art count your blessings

There’s so much wrong going on here it’s impossible to know where to begin. For starters, the album is by Willie Sutherland. So which one is Willie? They BOTH look like they just got out of an afternoon of shock therapy to cure them of “unfortunate tendencies” towards unchurchly behavior–probably attending R rated movies or wearing provacative beachwear. Can you picture either one of these yokels wearing a speedo? Perish the very idea.

And what’s with the TIES? Are we getting this album done between shifts working for Col. Sanders or what?

Then there’s the inclusion of the child, precariously wobbling on the pew, waiting for the inevitable head injury. Count your blessings? You mean like being able to get this photo snapped before the tragedy? The worst part of ALL this is the track list. It’s nothing but a bunch of copyright free church hymns you’re already forced to sing every Sunday if you’re goofy enough to haul your ass out of bed to hang out with these dorks. So what’s the incentive to BUY this record?

My favorite part about this cover? The sunglasses. I don’t know why, but it makes me think of Twin Peaks–the Horne brothers scheming away at One-Eyed Jacks. Just look at that smarmy face, already thinking about things far away from this awful album cover. Maybe reposessing a trailer house or sneaking off to to naughty things to the 17-year old prom queen working at the Tastee Freeze.

WTFness From Waterloo-Creepiest Bad Album Art Ever?

I’m not sure what to say here. The imagery from Waterloo makes me think of both Queen (no idea why) and Cannibal Holocaust. Maybe it’s because the guy has the entire band in his mouth? This album artwork begs so many double entendres it’s not even funny to think about.

The worst part about this is that deep-down Hubble telescope view of this guy’s nose. Ugh. And WTF is that inside this poor wretch’s mouth, anyway? A heart-shaped lace doily? Whatever the artist was smoking on this one, I would like a jumbo-sized pile of, please.

Seriously Bad Album Covers

We here at Turntabling are proud of the little collection of WTF album covers, but Nick DiFonzo’s book really takes the cake. Seriously Bad Album Covers displays 50 years and over 250 pages worth of the worst album covers ever. This import features a whopping 225 covers with a variety of wretched concepts, butt-ugly musicians and rotten excesses. Any vinyl junkie should add this to their collection of vinyl-related ephemera. This is hours and hours of entertainment just waiting to be had.

One day we are hoping that Taschen dedicates one of their luxuriously assembled editions to awful art, but until then this tome is probably THE authority on crapola covers.