Tag Archives: bad album covers

WTF Album Covers: Bored Housewife

Bored Housewife are a lo-fi punk band from Belfast. This album cover for “Too Horny To Sleep, Too Tired To Wank” is definitely a major winner for the band if they have the following goals:

1. To sell NO ALBUMS

2. To actively encourage people NOT TO BUY THIS ALBUM

3. To show the world just how indifferent they are to their own music.

The philosophy that’s always informed a band’s inclusion into the Turntabling WTF Bad Album Cover Hall of Shame is that an album cover has one important purpose–to sell the music and make people interested in hearing what’s on the record, CD, etc.

Sometimes that’s accomplished by making the album mysterious–a solid color field or deliberately non-representational artwork. Sometimes the artwork is so complex that it takes ages to figure out just what the hell is happening on the cover.

And then…there’s crap like this. I gotta hand it to them, they’ve certainly conveyed that the band doesn’t give a toss.  What? That’s NOT what you were trying to say at all? Well, stranger, from a newcomer to your music…

I hate to be the arsehole in the room about stuff like this, I really do. The real tragedy about this particular album cover is that if they had just left off the stick figure and let the cover fly with JUST the grungey cardboard/particle board packaging it would have been 100% more effective.

But I’m just this dumb vinyl junkie, what do I know? Continue reading WTF Album Covers: Bored Housewife

WTF Album Covers: Morrissey Get Rich Or Die Tryin’

When the PR spin doctors couldn’t live up to the courage of their convictions with the original gun-totin’ 50 Cent image for Get Rich Or Die Tryin’, they took the most spineless, cheesy route possible to save their wretched little movie–they swapped the gangsta thuggin gun visuals for the pic on the left–Curtis Jackson holding a cute little tyke instead.

“Awwww” you say. “Just look at that sweet little kiddo! Curtis Jackson might carry a pistol, but at least he won’t let the kid use it as a pacifier.”

It was shameless. It was corny. It worked. Even though poor 50 Cent had to endure the shame of the sort of spin doctoring usually reserved for Republican senators caught with their hands on the interns, he not only ended up no worse for the wear, he might have actually become a major influence for older, less relevant crooners who can’t…quite…command…the attention of the media and buying public the way they used to.

Case in point: Morrissey, who could be the very very first case of “me too” crossover from alt. rock to hip hop imagery. Is Moz trying to score points with 50 Cent’s audience? Is this the very first “aging rocker versus rap” feud? Perhaps Morrissey and Fiddy will engage in some kind of DJ battle, rap-off or…um, croon-off.

Probably not. But it would be damn amusing if they did. Behold Morrissey’s attempt to cash in on the baby pic image, which is somehow as disturbing as the possibility that he might try to guest-rap on the next 50 Cent single.

Continue reading WTF Album Covers: Morrissey Get Rich Or Die Tryin’

WTF Album Covers: Hello Lovers Roger Nusic Here For You Only

Knowing absolutely nothing about this record other than this wacko-jacko album cover, the first thing that springs to mind when I look at the image is, “I remember THAT SCENE in Cannibal Holocaust…” The liner notes for this Roger Nusic album on CD Baby helpfully mention the contribution of a drummer named Sticky Dave Friendly. With a name like that, can a career in porn be very far away?

Unfortunately for Roger Nusic, the album covers only get creepier from here. Feast your eyes on THIS:

I weep for the future.

–Joe Wallace