Tag Archives: bad recods

WTF Album Covers: Atrocity Upon Atrocity

WTF album covers don’t have to necessarily be technically awful or tastelessly inept. They can also simply lend themselves to pure mockery by obvious double entendre titles or conceptual silliness. Look at these two beauties:

I don’t want to know about their happy hands. I do NOT want to know about their happy hands. Please don’t tell me about their happy hands.

Burning question: how much cocaine did it take for this cover to seem like a GOOD IDEA? The name of this record is “Ride A Rock Horse” but “rock” isn’t the word you’re thinking of right now. It does RHYME with “rock” though.

And finally, an open letter from the future to born again recording artists of the past. KNOCK IT OFF WITH THE EFFING PUPPETS ALREADY. Thank you.

WTF Bad Album Covers: Organ Fantasy

We were so busy last week with the inauguration of our new digital single download offerings that we haven’t posted a single bad album cover in quite some time. But rest assured, now that the kickoff of the digital downloads has started we are back on the prowl for the worst album covers ever.

For example…

Organ Fantasy does NOT sound like the name of a record…it’s more like some unreleased David Friedman 42nd Street “adults only” epic starring Chesty Morgan and an embryonic Shannon Tweed. If it weren’t for that balloon on the lower left pointing the way, you could almost excuse this as the work of some genuinely naive and misguided soul…but no. Organ Fantasy is definitely the work of some twisted prankster.

And what on EARTH was the near literal FRENZY to preserve ORGAN music in the first place? There are so many records dedicated to the organ that you’d think all the performers would be EXTINCT in five years or something. How many frickin’ organ records do we really need? No wonder they resorted to Freudian names with Beavis and Butthead visual puns on the cover–the art directors were probably going out of their minds with the literal avalanche of organ records.