Monthly Archives: March 2010

WTF Bad Album Covers: The Best Heavy Metal Album Ever

WTF Bad Album Covers

It’s not the artwork that makes this one of the worst covers we’ve seen all month, it’s the last word printed on the cover.

There’s only one thing sillier than putting a nancy-boy glam band like Poison on a heavy metal compilation album…and that’s putting a nancy-boy whine-rock band like NICKELBACK on a heavy metal compilation album. That this piece of crap is called The Best Heavy Metal Album In The World Ever AND features a Nickelback song is proof positive that morons rule the world, and we are their slaves.

OK, not ALL of us, but at least the suckers who actually BOUGHT this. Sorry, but the fact that Motorhead shows up here does NOT redeem the album. The Best Heavy Metal Album Ever is, in all possibility by Motorhead…so ignore this and go listen to March Or Die instead.

I hate to go on and on here, but Nickelback? METAL? The very name is the stupidest thing you’ve ever heard. Nickelback is by far one of the absolute worst of the whiner bands in recent memory. They started off as unlistenable angst-whiner rock and went downhill from there to balladeering craphounds. All whiners, all the time. What a bunch of tossers. And now…this. Rock on, dudes. And Nickelback.

Wow, that was a lot of venom directed at the gents in the N-word band. I feel better now. Lighter.

J. Wallace

Tenebre Soundtrack Vinyl…The Last of the Last?

Goblin Tenebre LP vinyl albumIt’s been fun, but it looks like the fun is about to end. We have it on good authority that the much-beloved Tenebre vinyl LP released by Dagored is finally going out of print. Once they are gone from your local record stores, they are gone unless somebody in Italy changes their mind and decides to run up some more of these.

What does this mean for us, the rabid record collectors, Goblin junkies, soundtrack lovers everywhere? Unfortunately, in the same vein as the much sought-after release of The Beyond soundtrack, prices on any remaining copies of Tenebre on vinyl released by Dagored will probably go through the roof.

The Beyond OST soundtrack CD by Fabio Frizzi already sells for $199 US for a new, sealed copy. That is utter MADNESS, don’t you think? Used copies of the CD sell for about $50. Will this also happen to the much beloved Tenebre soundtrack? Probably.

Turntabling itself has sold out of the Dagored vinyl release of Tenebre–it flew off our table at the HorrorHound Weekend show in Indianapolis, so alas there will be no profiteering from us thanks to the lack of Tenebre vinyl…however we are always looking for more copies and rest assured, if we find them we will put them up for sale here–without the $100 price tag, thank you very much!
Continue reading Tenebre Soundtrack Vinyl…The Last of the Last?

Stanton T92 USB Turntable


After you’ve purchased a couple of Goblin LPs and the Escape From New York soundtrack on vinyl, if you’re put the cart before the horse and need a turntable to play them on, you should give serious thought to a USB turntable like the Stanton T92. Yes, you can purchase turntables made in the old school mode, with just a couple of RCA outs, but why when you can get the Stanton T92 USB turntable with its USB plus SPDIF outputs.

Yes, the Stanton T92 has RCA outs, and they’re switchable between line and phono. Add to that the pitch control and direct-drive motor and you’ve got yourself a sweet little deck you can use for converting the vinyl to MP3 (including those dusty old 78 RPM vinyl records), doing a DJ battle or just chilling out to the Deep Red soundtrack.

The Stanton T92 USB turntable is not yet a part of the Turntabling gear rack, but the price is right and the high-torque direct-drive and SPDIF out is making not getting one a bit difficult. We’re just waiting to hear from a user or two to throw a review our way and cinch the deal. If you’re in the know, drop a comment and give a review–we’d love to know what you think.

Back From HorrorHound Weekend Spring 2010

…and what a weekend it was! It was great to meet everyone who dropped by the booth. Soundtrack lovers and fellow movie buffs were out in force to take in the show which included appearances by Doug Bradley, Clive Barker, George Romero and many other horror luminaries.

Turntabling was fairly cleaned out of a good number of the most popular titles. As of this writing we are sold out of the following but will restock soon:

Hammer: The Studio That Dripped Blood CD
Escape From New York OST vinyl on Dagored
Suspiria OST vinyl LP by Goblin on Dagored
Death Proof OST vinyl album

and a few other choice titles which are in backstock as I write this.

The three most popular CD titles of the show were, hands down The Essential John Carpenter, The Escape From New York soundtrack CD with bonus tracks, and The Fantastic Voyage of Goblin. We still have these in stock, amazingly, but only because we ordered a giant pile of them before HorrorHound Weekend.

The sold-out list will be outdated soon, so if you’re stumbling upon this page as a result of a Google search for any of the above, check for updates on the main page of for the most recent catalog additions. Rest assured we WILL resupply on all available titles.

The good news is that we have more good stuff on the way. Stay tuned, the site is replenishing. And thanks to all who cleaned us out of these excellent titles…they are indeed our favorites.