Category Archives: WTF?

WTF: Scarred For Life in Lounge Lizard Land

Tubby Boots Goes Topless Bad album art WTF

In my never-ending quest for horrifying album covers, I often stumble across wonderful blogs like my source for the above brain-scarring vinyl terrorist attack called Tubby Boots Goes Topless. The great Eye Of The Goof is so deliciously retro (in the tiki and lounge sort of way rather than a retro 80s or futurist 60s sort of approach) that I feel compelled to return to Hawaii to purchase an armload of tiki carvings and some grass skirts.

To be fair, in my quest for Tubby Boots Goes Topless, I also ran across the equally great LP Cover Lover, so this was a mini-dilemma in terms of who to give credit to…but it doesn’t matter–both blogs are excellent and well worth a read. Now to Tubby Boots… Continue reading WTF: Scarred For Life in Lounge Lizard Land

WTF: Guide Me Lord…Into A Salon

WTF Guide Me Lord Bad Album ArtFundamentalist evangelical Christians are easy targets for the WTF bad album art flame thrower. They are so convinced by their own rhetoric that it never occurs to them that the REST of the world is snickering, nay, CACKLING at them for their misguided musical exploits. Even in more recent times than when THIS abomination hit the shelves, bands like Creed get big laughs for their squeaky-clean, but ultimately misguided antics.

At least Creed has the decency to attempt a veneer of cool–you’d be fooled for about thirty seconds until you heard the singer’s decidedly non-angsty voice croaking out those high school home room-penned lyrics about sin and salvation. THESE ladies on the other hand, aren’t having any of it.

Continue reading WTF: Guide Me Lord…Into A Salon

WTF: Pantera Doesn’t Want You To See This


I admit it, I have a thing against a lot of the hair metal and post-hair band metal albums. Let the reader beware, it all sounds like the Cookie Monster with a backup band to me. With that caveat in mind…

Once upon a time, the name Pantera was synonymous with large music industry dollars…or so it seemed, anyway. They were EVERYWHERE. You couldn’t see for the forest of Pantera concert shirts, and if you asked anybody in a truck stop ANYWHERE what they listened to, it was inevitably, “Payanterrra”.

Where are they now? Who cares? To some of us, this sort of record sounds like this:
Continue reading WTF: Pantera Doesn’t Want You To See This

WTF: International Winner For Worst Album Cover Ever?

bad album art all time winner female vocals

I really don’t know what the hell is going on with this album cover. I discovered this at and am still reeling from the effects of what is either a man in drag poking fun at hirsute women or a hirsute woman reveling in her unshaven glory. For the record–there’s nothing wrong with the hirsute look, it’s not my cup of tea exactly, but I like to keep an open mind.

What really gets me about this wretched cover is the “I farted!” expression on this person’s face combined with the freakish hand flex–is she having a stroke here or what? And WTF is going on with her OTHER hand, anyway? Combine that with the nauseous background color and you have a candidate for Possibly Worst Thought-Out Album Cover, Like, Ever.
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