Tag Archives: bad album covers

WTF: Pantera Doesn’t Want You To See This


I admit it, I have a thing against a lot of the hair metal and post-hair band metal albums. Let the reader beware, it all sounds like the Cookie Monster with a backup band to me. With that caveat in mind…

Once upon a time, the name Pantera was synonymous with large music industry dollars…or so it seemed, anyway. They were EVERYWHERE. You couldn’t see for the forest of Pantera concert shirts, and if you asked anybody in a truck stop ANYWHERE what they listened to, it was inevitably, “Payanterrra”.

Where are they now? Who cares? To some of us, this sort of record sounds like this:
Continue reading WTF: Pantera Doesn’t Want You To See This

WTF: International Winner For Worst Album Cover Ever?

bad album art all time winner female vocals

I really don’t know what the hell is going on with this album cover. I discovered this at BadRecordCovers.com and am still reeling from the effects of what is either a man in drag poking fun at hirsute women or a hirsute woman reveling in her unshaven glory. For the record–there’s nothing wrong with the hirsute look, it’s not my cup of tea exactly, but I like to keep an open mind.

What really gets me about this wretched cover is the “I farted!” expression on this person’s face combined with the freakish hand flex–is she having a stroke here or what? And WTF is going on with her OTHER hand, anyway? Combine that with the nauseous background color and you have a candidate for Possibly Worst Thought-Out Album Cover, Like, Ever.
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Vinyl Road Rage–Austin and Beyond

by Joe Wallace

Brain fried from far too much driving. Here’s a gallery of images I’ve collected along the way, with some snarky commentary free of charge. I have gathered these images between Springfield, Illinois and San Antonio, Texas–and I’ve paid the price, let me tell you–my retinas are seared for life in some cases.

The name of this John Denver Album, in case you can’t read the type, is “I Want To Live”. Sorry matey, but you should have taken the bus.

John Denver I Want To Live LP

I love this album cover. He looks like one of those plastinated dead bodies currently causing all the fuss on the museums. The bananas don’t look plastinated, though. Just very ripe.

banannas Continue reading Vinyl Road Rage–Austin and Beyond

Fail: Rolling Stone Smoking Section on Worst Album Covers Ever

There was some excitement in the air at the discovery of Rolling Stone’s Smoking Section on Worst Album Covers Ever. But joy turned to annoyance when it was discovered that RS only had the wherewithal to post a single, vaguely cruddy (but not truly hideous) album cover by somebody called Mike Bones.

They couldn’t go the distance apparently, and even though there was a desperate five minute (ok, two-and-a-half minute) search to find more Worst Album Covers Ever pages in the Smoking Section, it was clear that some doofus intern had been turned loose on this project before getting canned for stealing Jann Wenner’s weed or putting his naughty bits in the executive drinking fountain.

Here’s the merely lame-o album cover Rolling Stone saw fit to brand as one of the worst album covers ever:

Mike Bones bad album coverThis cover looks a bit like some kind of Jonas Brothers backstage blackmail photo–the kind you mail to the victim with the idea that there’s more where that came from and ten times as naughty. “Tell the Brothers if they don’t pony up the dough, we send out those pictures of the lads stuffing their greased, drooping willies into the light socket.” Continue reading Fail: Rolling Stone Smoking Section on Worst Album Covers Ever